'Tis the Season for Hail

A Message From Texell Insurance:
Springtime in Texas is the start of hail season. A severe storm with large hail can cause damage to roofs, gutters, siding and windows. In 2018, there were 508 major hail storms in Texas¹, many occurring between April and June.
Standard homeowner’s insurance policies offer some form of coverage for damage to your home caused by hailstorms, either through the regular policy or an added endorsement. Your policy also may cover detached structures such as a garage, shed or gazebo — generally for about 10 percent of the amount of insurance you have on the structure of your home.
Hail storms can strike without much warning, leaving you with little time to react. Here are some tips to help minimize hail damage:
Large hail can shatter windows. Closing drapes, blinds or window shades can help prevent the wind from blowing broken glass into your home.
If possible, park your vehicles inside a garage or under a carport.
Prior to an incoming storm, move patio and lawn furniture indoors or under a covered area.
If you already have plans to replace your roof, consider using impact-resistant material if you live in a hail-prone area.
If your home suffers damage from a hailstorm, do what you can to prevent further damage after the storm. Use a tarp to cover exposed roof areas or plywood to cover damaged windows. Keep receipts for any materials purchased. These can be reimbursed through your policy.
Hail Damage to Vehicles
Have you ever suffered hail damage to your auto? Hail damage to cars can make repairs very costly, mainly because damage is generally over the entire vehicle — not just one spot. Damage can range from small dents and dings to a completely totaled car, depending on the severity of the storm. Automobile insurance covers hail damage through the comprehensive portion of coverage. If you only carry liability insurance on your automobile, you have no coverage for hail damage.
Do you have enough coverage?
A Texell Insurance agent can review your policy for the right coverages or provide you with a quote. Give us a call today at 254.774.5104 or visit TexellInsurance.com.
¹ NOAA’s National Weather Service Annual Severe Weather Report 2018
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